Team Flex Policies

Table of Contents

Team Flex Overview

How does the league work?

First Coast Pickle offers three Team Flex divisions:

  • Mixed Doubles

  • Women's Doubles

  • Men's Doubles

Within each division, there are three flights based on player rating:

  • 3.0 & below

  • 3.5

  • 4.0 & above

Each league is played within a three-month season and typically one match is played per week, with some weeks being bye weeks. To view our season calendar, click here.

Each flight is made up of teams. The size of a team and number of teams within a flight can vary based on the number of participating players in a given season.

What separates a flex league from other leagues is that matches are not played at a set time or at a set location. Matches can be played at any time and any location that is mutually agreed upon by the captains of the two opposing teams.

At the end of the season, the team with the most points earned will win their flight.

When do matches take place?

In a flex league, matches can be played at any time.

It is the responsibility of the home team captain to reach out to the away team captain at least 2 weeks prior to their match week to coordinate a time that will work for the players of both teams.

Where do matches take place?

Matches can be played at any location.

Each team will have an assigned home court, where their home matches can be played, but we encourage captains to find a location that is convenient for both teams.

If you are able to reserve your courts ahead of time, that is even better.

What is the match format?

Each match will have 2 lines (courts) of doubles play.

A match consists of 3 games to 12 points (win by 2 points). Play all three games, even if one team wins the first two games, as all games will be considered in the final match total.

After each game, players will switch sides. In the third game of a regular match, switch sides after 8 points.

The team that wins the most amount of games win the match.

How is the winner of a flight determined?

The winner of a flight is determined by the most amount of games won in a season.

If there is a tie, the winner will be determined by the fewest number of sets lost.

How do players move up flights?

Teams are asked to self-rate for their first season.

Our league manager,, will keep a dynamic rating on all players after the first season. Accordingly, after 2 seasons of ratings higher than the level the team is currently playing, they are moved up.

How to Register

Submitting a Registration Form

Prior to the registration deadline, please submit a registration here.

If you are registering as an individual, please submit an Individual Registration form. If you are registering on behalf of two or more people that wish to play on the same team, please submit a Group Registration form.

After submitting a registration form, we will create teams based on the registrations we have received. We create teams based on skill level as well as location to try to provide you with the best experience possible.

Prior to the start of the season, we will send you an email with instructions on how to sign up for our league manager,

Registering on

Please view this document or this video for instructions on how to register within

You can only register in once your team has been created. You will receive a email from us once this has happened.

Determining Your Level

When you register for the first time, we ask that you self-evaluate your level or use your level from another pickleball league.

An annual review of team and individual results is done at the end of each season. will provide the data necessary to review if a team/individual player may need to move up or down. The Pickleball Leagues of Florida have the right to move teams or individuals up or down as best needed for the league/division.

Captain's Responsibilities

Team Communication

Prior to the start of the season, captains are responsible for establishing communication with their team's members. For example, creating a text group chat will all team members available.

Captains will need to find out from their team's members which days and times are the best for them for playing matches.

To send out a mass communication to your team, please refer to our Captain's Guide (How to Contact Your Team).

Coordinating Matches

Every week throughout the season (besides bye weeks) will have an assigned match-up for your team against another team within your flight.

For home matches, please reach out to the opposing team's captain at least 2 weeks prior to the match to coordinate the time of the match.

Home matches can be played at your home facility, but captains are also able to pick a facility other than their home facility if it would be more convenient for the away team.

For instructions on how to contact an opposing team's captain, please refer to our Captain's Guide (How to Contact Other Captains).

If you are unable to contact the captain of another team, please notify a league administrator.

Creating Match Rosters

After establishing a match time and location with the opposing team's captain, please create a roster for the match within

For a detailed explanation on how to do so, please refer to our Captain's Guide (How to Manage Your Lineup).

Playing & Scoring of Matches

Each match will have 2 lines (courts) of doubles play.

A match consists of 3 games to 12 points (win by 2 points). Play all three games, even if one team wins the first two games, as all games will be considered in the final match total.

After each game, players will switch sides. In the third game of a regular match, switch sides after 8 points.

The team that wins the most amount of games win the match.

After the match is complete, the captain of the winning team will report the score to

Reporting Match Scores

For a detailed explanation on how to report match scores, please refer to our Captain's Guide (How to Input Scores).

Important Match Rules


Official rain out is one hour after the original match start time unless BOTH captains agree to declare it sooner. Players/teams must be available to play in case of a rain delay. Matches can be called or delayed with the assistance of the pro on property, or if BOTH captains agree.

If a match is stopped and resumed on the same day, the original line must be used. If play is resumed on the same day, at a rescheduled time, match play will resume with the same players and play will begin at the score when the match had to be stopped.

If a match was stopped and started on a different day, a new lineup may be presented for any match that HASN’T started. For all matches that were halted due to weather, the original lineup must be present and the start of the match will resume at the exact point, game, and serve location that was recorded by the captains at the halt of the original match.

Both captains should mutually agree upon a time to reschedule a rain-delayed match. Every attempt should be made to complete the match either on the next “rain date” or if that is unavailable, each match will be rescheduled based on the “individual” team’s schedules.

Matches that are rained out or canceled due to inclement weather will not be made up and will not have any relevance in the standings.


Match default time is 15 minutes after the scheduled time, provided courts are available. Please use discretion when calling for a default. If the opponent is late for just cause, please try to be understanding and play the match.

Defaults are recorded as a win for the opposing team and recorded as such, 12-0, 12-0.

After 3 reports of a team not communicating with other teams, the team will be contacted. Remaining matches will be scored as default wins for their opponents, and the team is suspended from playing the next season.

It is a default to cancel a match 24 hours or less before it is scheduled. The team unable to play the match will default the match UNLESS the team receiving the default agrees to reschedule the match.


If a team withdraws from league, prior to playing a match, all the team’s matches will simply be deleted.

No refunds will be issued once schedules are posted.

If a team withdraws in the flight after playing a match, all teams in the group will receive a 15-0, 15-0 win against the withdrawing team. This rule attempts to credit teams who played the withdrawing team, without penalizing those who did not play the withdrawing team.

Retired Matches

A retired match is when a match can’t continue due to injury, illness or personal reasons.

The score would be recorded with completed games played up to the point of the team retiring, with the balance of the match reported as 15-0 for the team not retiring.

Insufficient Players

If a team can’t field the required number of players, default the bottom position. Notify the opposing captain if you are unable to fill all positions. Having insufficient players is not a valid reason to reschedule a match.

Coaching & Court Conduct

No coaching is allowed by any of the spectators or coach.

Spectators should not get involved in the match regarding line calls or rules.

Players in the First Coast Pickle leagues must abide by fair play and good sportsmanlike behavior.

Players that repeatedly ignore fair play and good sportsmanlike behavior will be suspended from league. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the Flex League Administrator.

Players returning to the league after a suspension are subject to a zero tolerance policy. In other words, any further complaints on returning players are ground for permanent suspension form the league.

The league will not mediate matches or settle disputes between players regarding these types of conflicts, although players may file a grievance.

Ball Requirements

The home team provides the balls.

Please use new balls for a match.

Additional Information

Privacy Notice

The contact information for Pickleball Leagues of Florida participants included in our software platform(s) is considered confidential and is exclusively for use by Pickleball Leagues of Florida coordinator(s) and for contact between and among league participants. The information in this site should not be used for business, commercial, political, or any other non-Pickleball Leagues of Florida purposes and it should not be disclosed or published to anyone outside of Pickleball Leagues of Florida.

Liability Waiver

Acceptance of my entry in the Pickleball Leagues of Florida is without assumption of responsibility of any kind by this organization, the host club, committees or the management and offices of Pickleball Leagues of Florida, in which I may be entered or may participate. In consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I do hereby for an on behold of the myself and my heirs and legal representatives and their successors and assigns, of and from any and all claims and demands of every kind, nature, and character which I may have or may hereafter acquire for any and all damages, losses or injuries which may be suffered or sustained by me in connection with my activities during the period for which such permission is waived and released and I covenant no to sure therefore. I understand that this league(s) applicable organization rules and regulations, the rules and regulations of this league(s), the rules and procedure governing discipline of players in Pickleball Leagues of Florida sanctioned league(s), and ranking regulations, and agree to conduct myself accordingly.

League Dates

Please refer to our calendar to view dates for all upcoming seasons.

© 2023 First Coast Pickle. All rights reserved.